Abroad production التطبيقات

Triper 1.9
Abroad production
Triper will allows you to find travelmates,travel tips and follow your friends abroad or locally !The features :1.0- Matchmaking based on commun interests- Display of contacts in a map- Virtual contact card with QR code- Chat- Calendar- Texting and e-mailing- Privacy settings- Option « shake & check » to find users near you2.0 updates coming soon :- Trip planner- Hostels locations and prices- Woofing locations and salaries- Boat and hitch hiking tool- House sitting tool- Bottle in the sea
Linker match 1.14
Abroad production
1.0- Matchmaking based on commun interests and skills- Display of contacts in a map- Virtual business card with QR code- Chat- Calendar (meeting planner, alert of availibility of acandidate,…)- Texting and e-mailing- Privacy settings- Option « shake & check » to find users near you- Assessment and Recommendations of employers and candidates- Indicators and monitoring e-reputation2.0 coming soon- Location of coworking spaces and your team movements on amap- Voice recorder (corporate Siri)- Option "wanted" : bonuses for references (paypal)- Internal communication tool- Jobs advertisements- Business travel management toolNote : Please be aware that use of GPS in "map" feature candecrease battery life.